Well for one, I never imagined I would be introducing myself as a soon to be indie published author. Nor did I ever see myself chaos writing 16 book series, with my debut novel set to come out this year.
Yet this is where my passion has led me.
Learning to trust my heart and my intuition when it screams “Hell yes!” has been both one of the hardest things to learn and the most rewarding game changer of my life.
My writing journey started with 5-6 years of randomly writing scenes and short stories, then 2 years ago that writing morphed into deciding to write a book. That then morphed into writing 16 different book series.
Everything I create is at the whim and mercy of my characters, making my writing a fun and rather chaotic process.
Fun Fact: My fascination with languages resulted in my supernatural “Why choose” series having 5 unique fully constructed fantasy languages in the works, alongside about 3-4 real world languages.
The high fantasy WIP is also looking like it will be getting at least 3 unique languages as well.
I am in awe of people who are multilingual and aspire to be so myself.
When I am not writing or reading I am spending time with my SO and our fur kids, sewing cosplay for my small business, or out chasing chickens on the farm.
Follow more of my random and often chaotic journey over on instagram @pointyearsnsharpteeth
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